Look what’s in the window!

Several months ago I started experimenting with an idea that had been brewing for some time. I am super pleased with the results and so was Harbinger since they featured two of the pillows in their window for the Traditional Home Bunny Williams event on Tuesday night. [...]

By |2018-11-08T03:56:04-08:00March 2nd, 2012|Happenings, News, Places, Products|0 Comments

Spot on!

I'm a sucker for anything multi-colored. It's part of being a Libra, but it's more a part of the interplay between multiple things. I think Proust said something about this in his "questionnaire" about not having a favorite color, rather the favorite being the harmony between two colors. I completely [...]

By |2018-11-08T03:56:04-08:00February 16th, 2012|Happenings, News|0 Comments
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