Greener grass?
It’s a funny thing. As a designer, people often tell me they want exactly what their friends have – only different. Oh, and better. Client’s can wish their days away longing for the things in someone else’s home, when the truth is, their house is entirely different. So long as they stay trapped in those feelings, they will never realize their full potential – or that of their home. There will always be another friend with stuff.
A sure-fire way to banish these feelings for good is to express YOURSELF in your home. No, I don’t mean pulling a Farrah Fawcett all over your walls (you’d be undoing a lot of work before putting your house on the market). I mean by making things work for you and customizing whenever possible. Whether tastefully displaying your collection of baseballs, or choosing a paint color that reminds you of your grandmother (in a good way of course), your home instantly becomes better. Your attachment to it stronger. When guests come to visit, they see YOU everywhere. It’s palpable.
Recently, I completed a quick reno for a family moving into their very first home. What was a dark choppy space is now light and bright with fresh paint and new light floors. Easy enough.
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