Nearing the end of the race, we stop to pose.

This past weekend while in New Orleans, my family and I participated in The Color Run, a fun, creative, charity driven 5k that is just my speed. Everyone starts the race in a spankin’ clean white tee and by the end of the 5k looks as if they’ve gone through a technicolor tornado.

A sea of white t-shirts at the starting line.

The Color Run partners with local charities and this particular 5k, raised money for the Arts Council of New Orleans.

Heading towards Pink.

Each kilometer is associated with a different color where race workers/volunteers douse you with powdered pigment. As if driving through a rainbow hued car wash, you get powdery puffs of color sprayed all over your white race shirt, face, and body.




By the end of the race, you are like a batch of tripped out, Grateful Dead Easter eggs and a fun healthy time is had by all. Stick around afterwards for a concert in the park, some snacks and more colors.

A little one in a cloud of yellow.

Click here to find out if The Color Run is headed to your neck of the woods and spend a colorful morning with your kids or your friends.