While waiting for a vendor at a job site, I took my dog for a walk in my client’s neighborhood. The area is quaint, set with variety of styles of houses that sit fairly close together. As I headed down the block, I noticed that the street gradually crept down a hill, and a gentle breeze floated my way. I followed.

Perfectly ticky tacky, California style.

Another little piece of eye candy.

As my dog and I rounded the bend, I was treated to a magnificent site. Not only were the houses a smorgasbord of fantabulous California styles, but I found myself almost directly beneath the stunning Shakespeare Bridge. The area was overgrown with wildflowers, and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend an otherwise sweltering unexpected few moments. I think I’ll look for more of these little dead-end gems and share them here with you. Enjoy.

Probably the finest specimen on the block. If only I could get inside.