A sampling of one of my Pinterest boards.

Everyone is mad for Pinterest these days (myself included). And why shouldn’t they be? It is slowly revolutionizing they way visual peeps (like me) keep track of our latest and greatest inspirations.

Even companies are using it for all sorts of reasons – in fact, you may have noticed the Traditional Home Pinterest contest with Hunter Douglas featuring ten NewTrad designers of 2013 (yep, even me).

But maybe in the midst of the Pinterest frenzy, you’ve forgotten about Etsy. Wait, do you even know about Etsy?

Just a few of my Etsy treasures.

In a nutshell, Etsy is an online marketplace for artsy-craftsy, indie-minded people (like me). Over the past few weeks, I have recommended Etsy at least a half a dozen times. A friend was looking for someone to make a logo for a family occassion. I sent her to Etsty. Another friend was looking to hire a young person for her graphic design studio. I sent her to Etsy. I was shopping for a one of a kind gift for the arrival of a a new baby – you guessed it. Etsy.

Embossed patterned roller from The Painted House. Image from The Painted House via designskool.

And check out this awesome idea for creating your own wallpaper or fabric I discovered earlier today. Know where their shop is? You betcha.

So when you’re thinking outside the box or even just trying to, hit up Etsy. It’s really so much more than kitty cat mugs and quotable magnets. There’s a whole creative world there just waiting for people (like us).